Done your Tax yet? No? Free Tax Help is available to people on low incomes ($60,000 or less) with simple tax affairs to complete their returns online. Get in quick to make your Tax Help appointment because they cease on 31st October. Contact Manjimup Community Resource Centre on 9777 2774 to find out if you’re eligible and make an appointment.
Last Saturday on February the 13th, A Fortunate Life came to town. A production about an "ordinary man's extraordinary life", based on A.B. Facey's award-winning autobiography. The true story based on resilience, fortitude and love amazed the audience of Manjimup, resulting in many wonderful reviews. We are delighted to receive so many positive reviews and would love to provide you with one of the outstanding pieces of feedback we have received: "Thank you for the evening it was a great show and it was a full house as you can see in the photos. Reckon if a person didn’t enjoy it that would really be the patrons opinion. The actors did a great presentation and the backdrop on show was excellent. The crew and all involved were able to take photo shots of the places and the historical photos, sound and lighting were in my opinion wonderful to see. After the show the cast had question time for the audience and at times showed their personal emotions with tears of the places they had visited to be able to present, and said they were so touched themselves. All in all perfect and 5 stars " Ranui spent Australia Day on a very important retrieval mission This is what the young trainees had to say about their adventure on the seas. “On Wednesday the 20th of January 2021 Maddi and I embarked the Leeuwin 2 with other trainees from Perth and all over the southwest. It was an amazing adventure to have a shore day at Garden Island, seeing a large group of dolphins, rowing the boat while singing sea shanties and the performances every watch did on the last night. I also had lots of fun experiencing what it’s like to be all hands on deck, heaving together to hoist a sail and trying our hand at steering the tall ship. As I look back on my experience it has been an exciting and emotional roller- coaster from having sea sickness every day to being burnt a different colour. Nevertheless the memories that I have with me are forever that I will cherish constantly.” -Shakila “Although I cried myself to sleep every night, I look back on my week on the Leeuwin and I really do miss waking up to the ocean and all the adventures each day had install. On the 20th of January Shakila and I were dropped off at the Bunbury port, ready to set sail on our seven day voyage. I was so excited and was expecting some sort of luxurious cruise ship. 20 minutes after being on the boat I was in tears because it was nothing like I had visioned. Throughout the week I experienced every type of emotion as it was probably the toughest week of my life. Although it was an emotional struggle, I look back now and couldn’t be prouder of myself. From sea sickness to home sickness to happy and then sad, I think it’s safe to say it was an emotional roller-coaster. As I reflect on my week, I realise it was not all bad and that some parts were really quite amazing. Every evening I got to watch the sun meet the horizon, creating the most beautiful sunsets. I got to watch a huge pod of dolphins swimming next to the boat. I got to be adventurous and climb the tall sails of the ship. I got to eat the yummiest food. I met many inspiring people with the most amazing attributes who really pushed me to keep going. I really enjoyed getting to know different people from different places and creating new friendships with people I wouldn’t usually mix with. The Leeuwin voyage has taught me a lot now that I think about it, it has taught me about independence, being brave, and being grateful. I am so grateful I was given this opportunity and I know that I will look back on this experience forever.” -Maddi UPDATE: For Performances in the following South West, WA locations:
6 Feb - Bridgetown 12 Feb - Margaret River 13 Feb - Manjimup The tour of 'A Fortunate Life' due to commence in Bridgetown on 6 February WILL go ahead as planned. The lifting of restrictions in the SW of WA by the WA Government means there will be no further restrictions. Cast and Crew of 'A Fortunate Life' will continue to practice safe health requirements as directed by the WA Dept of Health. We look forward to seeing you in the South West and at all other locations during February and March. For any further enquiries please refer to your local venue. Book Now |