Sunday, 4 September 2016
Community Services Minister Tony Simpson today announced $20,000 had been provided to The Fathering Project to give fathers from low socio-economic households the opportunity to participate in The Big Camp Out with their children. The Big Camp Out provides fathers with the opportunity to spend quality one-on-one time with their children through a camp out experience at Domain Stadium. It encourages them to work together by preparing for the overnight stay and participating in activities. "Fathers have a profound impact on the lives of their children. Research has shown that fathers are an important factor in a child's academic, social and emotional capability and their overall health and development," Mr Simpson said. "This event will encourage fathers to unplug from everyday life and to connect with their children in a unique environment. "The State Government is pleased to be able to provide funding which will provide spaces for up to 100 participants who would not normally be able to participate." The funding will also be used to meet the costs of the venue hire and support activities for more than 500 participants. "I commend The Fathering Project on helping fathers to recognise their importance and equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to engage with their children," the Minister said. Fact File