Thursday, 6 October 2016
"The Liberal National Government is committed to ensuring people endure minimal time stuck in traffic. For parents and families in particular, that means more time available to spend with each other," Mr Marmion said. "Low-cost, high-impact initiatives - including new merge lines and traffic signal optimisation - are continuing to reduce traffic congestion to the benefit of all road users. "Installation of merge lines across the freeway network has noticeably improved journey times, and the State Government is also planning an educational campaign to assist drivers to merge safely. "The addition of a new lane on the Mitchell Freeway between Charles and Market streets has also proved to be a success." By reconfiguring the road markings to give drivers an extra lane between Vincent and Market streets, average travel speeds southbound have increased by 65 per cent in the evening peak period. "The widespread traffic signal timing improvement project has also proved to be very successful," the Minister said. "The review program is to be expanded to cover all 400 sets of traffic lights on the metropolitan State road network following the project's successes to date." Key locations targeted for upgrading include the intersections of Graham Farmer Freeway and East Parade, Tonkin Highway and Kelvin Road, and where Hepburn and Whitfords avenues meet Marmion Avenue. The roll-out of merge lines will also be extended to the Reid, Roe, Tonkin and Leach highways. Fact File