Thursday, 6 October 2016
The Liberal National Government today released a report recommending major changes to the North West Interconnected System (NWIS). The report, developed by the Pilbara Electricity Infrastructure Project committee chaired by energy expert Lyndon Rowe, recommends the establishment of:
"A privately owned entity would be commercially motivated and agile to provide network connection for mining and energy sector customers as an attractive alternative to stand-alone generation assets," he said. Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said providing network access to third party power suppliers had the potential to provide material benefits to many commercial and industrial electricity customers in the Pilbara, through access to lower electricity prices. "This will also provide a much-needed boost to economic development in the region," Mr Redman said. The report also found the other two reforms were necessary to support the development of a more dynamic electricity sector in the Pilbara. "Further investigation and consultation will occur with industry regarding a fit-for-purpose access regime for the NWIS and independent system operator," Dr Nahan said. "Both reforms will be progressed regardless of the ultimate decision on the sale of Horizon Power's Pilbara network assets." Fact File