Hi Gardeners,
We've been offered a great opportunity to learn tree pruning. Details below and flyer attached. Also the Manjimup Community Garden is holding a wood raffle at the Manjimup Newsagency this Friday to raise funds for a storage shed. Please stop by and buy LOTS of tickets! Plus don't forget, this Saturday, 1pm - 3pm, is our weekly garden gathering. We hope to see you there. Stonefruit Tree Pruning with Fernando Pessotto Presented by the Blackwood Valley Small Landholders Group Where: Yanmah Rd, west Manjimup When: 10th September 10 - noon (Soup and crusty bread lunch) Cost: BVSLG & Manjimup Community Garden members FREE (if you have received this email from me, this means you!) Contact: Kathy 9772 1381 or text 0439 926 000 Email: [email protected] Please RSVP by 8th September for catering purposes, directions provided upon registering. |