Greater training required for new driversFriday, 23 June 2017
From October 9, 2017, the State Government will be introducing changes to the provisional licence process to better prepare applicants and ultimately produce safer drivers. One of the major changes is re-sequencing the Hazard Perception Test to occur before the Practical Driving Assessment. Under the new system, learners need to complete both the Hazard Perception Test and 50 hours of supervised driving before being eligible to attempt the PDA to get their driver's licence. The 50-hour log book also needs to include five hours of supervised night-time driving to ensure greater learner experience prior to attempting the PDA. Changing the sequence will reduce the complexity of the provisional licence process, align Western Australia with other States and streamline the Department of Transport's service delivery. Updated and modernised HPT clips will also be delivered as part of the changes taking place on October 9. The reforms are aimed at developing the necessary skills to drive a vehicle safely and build the experience learner drivers need, to cope with potential hazards and distractions while driving. Existing learner's permit holders will automatically transfer to the new process from October 9, 2017. For more information, visit Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti: "The State Government has listened to industry and community feedback about the provisional licence process and we will ensure applicants have greater driving experience and cognitive maturity when attempting their driving tests. "The provisional licence process has seen a reduction in road crashes involving novice drivers. "It is hoped that the re-sequence will increase the current practical driving assessment pass rate, resulting in more assessment slots being vacant, which will reduce customer wait times for PDA availability. "Current provisional licence applicants will receive a letter with information explaining these changes in detail." |