Wednesday, 26 October 2016
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Local Government Minister Paul Miles encouraged Perth councils to apply for funding under the Metropolitan Local Government Youth Development Program, to help attract and retain young people in the sector. "The local government sector provides a variety of rewarding opportunities for young people who want to make a difference at a local level," Mr Miles said. "Local government has an ageing workforce, so it is important we counter this by providing a great incentive for young people to stay in local government in the long term." Through the traineeship program, local governments will be provided support to employ young people, aged 24 years or under, through access to grants of up to $5,000 per trainee to pay course fees and $15,000 per trainee as a wage subsidy. In addition, scholarships of up to $10,000 are also available for employees aged 30 years or under to participate in nationally accredited training. The Minister said the initiative followed on from the success of the Country Local Government Fund Youth Development Program, which provided $1.2 million to fund new traineeships and training scholarships in regional councils. "These grants can provide valuable training to young local government employees, giving them knowledge, insight and experience which will benefit them throughout the rest of their lives," the Minister said. Fact File