Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Water Minister Mia Davies said the tank benefited communities in the Wheatbelt shires of Mt Marshall and Trayning. "The six million litre tank stands at an impressive six metres high and holds the equivalent of 2.5 Olympic-sized swimming pools of water," Ms Davies said. "The new tank improves water quality and water pressure for Water Corporation customers in the towns of Bencubbin, Trayning, Kununoppin and the surrounding areas. "The tank is located about 85 kilometres north of Merredin and replaces the existing water storage reservoir in Waddouring, which is to be decommissioned. "Construction of the tank started in July 2015 and was completed ahead of schedule." The Minister said the new tank was in addition to the three-year $32 million farmlands water supply improvement program that began in December 2015. "This project will improve the performance of the farmlands water supply network across the Wheatbelt," she said. "More than 64km of pipeline will be replaced, 7,500 pipeline joints will be repaired and smart water meters will be installed across the farmlands scheme to help save water." Fact File