Thursday, 10 November 2016
Child Protection Minister Andrea Mitchell said Yarloop residents, who had previously only had access to counselling by telephone or out of town, could now access the service in town. "The effects of a traumatic incident are significant and can last a long time, so it is crucial appropriate supports are provided to help people rebuild their lives," Ms Mitchell said. "The Department for Child Protection and Family Support continues to work with the shires of Harvey and Waroona, Red Cross, Salvation Army and local community groups to help impacted residents manage their recovery. "Yarloop, Harvey and Waroona residents are encouraged to take advantage of the department's services." Personal support services available to people include health and wellbeing checks, emotional support, information, advocacy, referral to agencies and advisory services, counselling and psychological services, budgeting and financial help. Residents are encouraged to contact one of the three members of the department's recovery team if they need counselling or advice. The members names and numbers are: • David: 0417 457 583 • Patrick: 0437 223 299 • Lori: 0455 073 354. The recovery team will work from the Harvey Recovery Centre and the Waroona Community Resource Centre. Team members will also make home visits and attend community events, such as the weekly Yarloop connect luncheons and Cookernup morning teas and farmers' breakfasts. Fact File