Monday, 8 August 2016
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Health Minister John Day said the awards were an opportunity for everyone to commend and celebrate the care given by exceptional nurses and midwives in the public and private sectors, non-government organisations and in education services. "About 37,000 nurses and midwives are integral to the health system of WA, providing quality care at all times, from childbirth through to our later years," Mr Day said. "These awards celebrate the achievements of those nurses and midwives who go above and beyond, as we work together to make health care delivery even better across the State. "Work colleagues can nominate an outstanding nurse or midwife in 13 categories, while the public can also nominate staff for the Consumer Appreciation Award." Recipients of each award will be announced at a special event on May 6, 2017, during International Nurses and Midwives Week. The Lifetime Achievement Honour for a nurse or midwife who has made a significant contribution to their profession throughout their career will also be announced at the event. Nominations for the 2017 WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards close on Friday, December 9, 2016. Fact File