We hope you enjoyed the Autumn Edition of our re-launched RRR Network Magazine (still available online HERE) , as much as we enjoyed producing it for you. Our Winter edition is now in production, and we are seeking your support.
We want to continue to inspire and inform you; and to champion the role of women in WA communities. For many WA women the RRR Network magazine continues to be an important source on information and entertainment. Anyone in WA can register to receive a digital or printed hard copy of the quarterly RRR Network Magazine for FREE; but we know many of you would like to support our efforts to keep producing this quality magazine. Become a Registered Supporter Together we are stronger. As a registered supporter of the RRR Women's Network of WA - for just $25 per year - you are helping us to continue to deliver the RRR Network Magazine for FREE to thousands of rural, regional and remote WA women; many of whom are not in a position to pay for a subscription. We will list your name in every edition of the RRR magazine in recognition of this valuable support. Support that costs just $6.25 per edition of the magazine. Sign up as a SUPPORTER now Advertise As a newly incorporated not-for-profit organisation we will continue to rely on advertising to maintain the quality and wide distribution of the new RRR Network Magazine. If you have a product or service you would like to promote to around 10,000 WA rural women, then consider advertising with us. Like to Advertise? Click here to view the Media Kit Membership - Like to be more involved? As a member of the RRR Women's Network of WA you will have full voting rights at our Annual General Meeting (AGM), you can nominate for board positions; nominate to serve on editorial committee; attend AGMs; provide input into strategic direction via member surveys and attend exclusive "member only" events. Membership is $220 per year and if you join before June 2018 you will be invited to nominate for board positions in July 2018. Become a Member Want to know more? Want to provide feedback, submit a story, or an advertising feature? Then contact us today. Click here to email. |