Tuesday, 20 September 2016
The State Government awards recognise the outstanding contribution of owners, volunteers, professionals and organisations which work tirelessly to promote and conserve WA's cultural heritage. Heritage Minister Albert Jacob said the awards showcased the work being done to revitalise State Registered heritage places, setting standards in interpretation, heritage tourism, conservation and adaptive reuse. "This is a wonderful opportunity to recognise the passion and commitment of the many volunteers, professionals and organisations whose work has helped build WA's heritage scene into the vibrant, innovative and highly professional sector it is today," Mr Jacob said. In 2016, regional projects that were recognised include the Kukenarup Memorial and Information Site near Ravensthorpe, the Sisters of St John of God Heritage Centre in Broome and the Donnelly River Mill and Townsite Precinct. Metropolitan winners included Fremantle's National Hotel, the State Buildings and the Fremantle Prison YHA. The adaptation of the women's division of Fremantle Prison into a world-class hostel has attracted international and local visitors to Fremantle. "When the awards program was established in 1992 it featured just one category," the Minister said. "The Heritage Council has grown the program into WA's premier heritage event, with this year marking its 25th year. "Each year the awards give us the opportunity to applaud the many people who are dedicated to supporting and enhancing our cultural heritage. I encourage all West Australians to get behind their communities and nominate a worthy candidate or project." The awards also showcase Western Australian heritage projects on an international stage with outstanding conservation projects being shortlisted for the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. Since 2012, five Western Australian heritage projects have received an honourable mention at the UNESCO awards. Fact File