Thursday, 24 November 2016
Culture and the Arts Minister John Day said the latest annual Arts Monitor survey focused on attendance levels for arts and cultural activities, public support and attitudes, and the role of culture and the arts in WA communities. "The State-wide survey found 95 per cent of respondents supported the role of arts in the school curriculum, while 81 per cent supported government investment in the arts," Mr Day said. "In addition, 75 per cent agreed that the arts have a positive impact on individual wellbeing, with 60 per cent and 62 per cent respectively agreeing that arts and culture play a valuable role in contributing to the State's identity and sense of community. "Event attendance trends in recent years reflect a consistently strong support for the sector that goes beyond the impact of major events such as The Giants in 2015." Arts Monitor 2016 was commissioned through the Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA), with the results providing data and trend indicators that will inform the work of the State Government, DCA and key agencies such as Lotterywest, Tourism Western Australia, and the departments of Education and Health. "It is a valuable source of information for WA arts organisations and peak industry groups," the Minister said. "The figures and trends will also assist the Government to support and plan for a sustainable culture and arts sector across the State." Fact File