Tuesday, 23 August 2016
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Led by Save the Children WA since June 2013, the South East Corridor Youth Partnership Project brings together all levels of government and the community sector to meet the needs of at-risk youth in the south-east metropolitan region. Youth Minister Tony Simpson said positive outcomes for young people were dependent on strong collaboration between government and community sector organisations to deliver localised services. "I commend Save the Children WA on providing the leadership and strategic direction that this project requires in order to provide collaborative support and services to young people within the community," Mr Simpson said. "The State Government is pleased to be able to provide this funding which will help to provide long-term sustainable impact and change for young people living in the local government areas of Armadale, Gosnells, Canning and Belmont." Through the partnership, young people are also playing a key role in the planning and delivery of programs, including the Youth Leadership Roundtable which allows participants to work to try and improve the lives of their peers. "This is an exciting aspect of the program and it is pleasing to see such an innovative approach to youth service delivery," the Minister said. Fact File