Good morning MCRC friends and supporters, it is Ranui inviting you to join us at our centre open night this Thursday "WINTER WARMER", Thursday 25th June commencing at 5pm. MCRC Members, Shire of Manjimup staff and residents, customers, community service groups and local business! Our Board of Management join me and my staff in welcoming you to attend our "Winter Warmer" open night We will be acknowledging our wonderful volunteers, and opening the centre up to highlight our services and facilities and create an opportunity for a community "feel good get-together" I encourage you to pop in and share some MCRC hospitality, food and local wine whilst looking around our fantastic centre and our services......Community groups do you have an upcoming event or fundraiser that you need some support with?....come in and have a chat with me as we are here to help!
We are also excited to open our "From Whence We Came" canvas gallery which begins in the original building and takes you on a visual journey of the Manjimup Shire through time, commencing in the 1920's to the present day. We sincerely thank the Shire of Manjimup for their financial contribution for the artwork.... and of course our wonderful partners Northcliffe CRC for expertly printing and framing our art! We will be screening a projection of the centre history and services along with a "volunteer thank you" prepared by Westlink for some visual delight. Please RSVP your attendance by phoning my dream team in reception on 9777 2774, comment on this post or send us a private message to let us know if you can join us. email: [email protected] Come on lets get together and enjoy our community, and warm up over some conversation, food and wine. Kind regards Ranui Harris MCRC Coordinator |